Kirk Abella, an actor and full-time waiter was shot last Saturday night while filming in Barangay Parian, Cebu City. The Barangay Tanod Edgardo Cuizon, mistook him for a real criminal and shot him in the back. Abella was 32 and left behind an eight-year-old son with his former girlfriend.
The attack happened in the fifth take of a scene of a documentary film, “Going Somewhere.” In which Abella and his partner dramatized the drive-by shootings that hit the city a few years back. They rode a motorcycle and wore black masks and jackets. Abella was the back rider.
Cuizon then was resting in his home when a neighbor woke him and told him that there were armed persons in the neighborhood. He immediately went to the are where Abella and the crew is filming.
Cuizon then was resting in his home when a neighbor woke him and told him that there were armed persons in the neighborhood. He immediately went to the are where Abella and the crew is filming.
"He reportedly approached the motorcycle, held on to its rear and introduced himself as a barangay enforcer. But the motorcycle allegedly sped off. Cuizon was dragged and wounded on his knees. When he saw the back rider, Abella, draw out a gun, he also pulled out an unlicensed .357 revolver. He shot Abella, hitting him in the back. Abella was rushed to the Perpetual Succour Hospital, where he later died." []
That's the problem with most tanods in our barangays. They lack education and are trying too hard to be police officers. MAYABANG is the word for most of them. Look at Edgardo Cuizon, he owns an unlicensed gun and even if it is licensed, he does not have the right to shoot. If someone tells you there's armed men, you should investigate and call the police if necessary. I hope he goes to jail to teach all barangay tanods to be responsible and teach civilians to assign their tanods carefully. Barangay Tanods are helpful when you put the right people. How about your Barangay? do you have MAYABANG tanods or any barangay officials?