I know this topic is beneath the dignity of this blog, but it turns out Miley Cyrus is 18 and has five tattoos. Don't you have to be 18 to get a tattoo? So she's got all these in less than a year. She's taken up smoking, and, at this rate, she'll be tattooed from head to toe by the time she's 40.
According to a report in People about the new tattoo:
"It's a picture of the dream catcher that hangs over her bed with four feathers to represent her four brothers and sisters," says the friend. (Miley's siblings are Brandi, 23, Trace, 21, Braison, 16, and Noah, 11.) "The dream catcher is to protect them."She also has a heart and a small cross on her fingers, the word 'love" on her ear and the phrase "just breathe" on her rib cage in honor of a close friend who died of cystic fibrosis.
"All of Miley's tattoos have a deep meaning to her," says the friend. "They all represent family and friends close to her."
I don't understand this tattoo thing. I see otherwise intelligent young women who, it turns out, have a big tattoo across the small of their backs. I had an old friend who now wears make up because he has two large tattoos on his face. Do they think this is attractive?
These actresses should look at Sean Connery. The poor man has a tattoo on the back of each hand. I don't remember what they say. "Mum" and "Scotland", probably. He's had to slather his hands with make-up for years.