One need only look out the window to see the super moon. Today, March 19, a full moon in size and beauty huge rises in the cloudless sky and thousands of Buenos Aires over the world, putting on a show astronomical different for men.
"The last full moon so big and close to Earth was in March 1993," said Geoff Chester, who works at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington DC. "I would say it's worth a look," he added.
The size of a full moon varies due to the oval shape of the lunar orbit. Is an ellipse having one end (perigee) about 50,000 miles closer to Earth than the other (the swing). When it is near perigee, the Moon is about 14% larger and 30 % brighter than when it is at its peak, the other side of its orbit.
Perigee full Moon brings "perigee tides" higher than normal, but this should not be cause for concern, according to NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in Spanish). In most places, gravity caused by the Moon at its perigee causes the tidal water rises a few centimeters (about an inch) higher than normal. Local geography may amplify the effect, until about fifteen centimeters (six inches), which is not exactly a great flood.
And contrary to what you can claim reports circulating on the Internet, the fact that the moon is in perigee does not cause natural disasters. The "Super Moon" March 1983, for example, took place without incident occurred. And an almost super moon, in December 2008, was also harmless.
The Moon appears to be extra-large shining in proximity of objects in the foreground, which is known as "Moon Illusion."