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Keith Olbermann Returns to MSNBC | Suspension Lifted

MSNBC's indefinite suspenion  of  popular  news  anchor, Keith Olbermann, did not last long.

Keith Olbermann's suspension from msnbc television for donating to three Democratic campaigns will end this coming Tuesday, NBC announced Sunday night.

Olbermann was suspended indefinitely Friday for violating NBC News rules about donations.

(Msnbc.com, a joint venture of NBC Universal and Microsoft, also has a policy against its journalists contributing to political campaigns.)

In a statement released Sunday evening, Phil Griffin, president of msnbc television, said he had deliberated about Olbermann’s status for several days.~msnbc

Olbermann is allowed to return to his job on Tuesday, November 9, 2010. Maybe those 300,000 signatures on a Petition demanding his return had something to do with that?

In case you are 'scratching your head' trying to recognize Olbermann, here's a video clip that gives you a glimpse of the man:

Don't Worry... Olbermann Returns to MSNBC on Tuesday, November 9, 2010.